
Using Octave from RStudio in a Quarto document on Windows

Just putting this out there in the vague hope that someone (possibly future me) finds it instead of wasting a whole bunch of time trying to work this out.


My Journal Template

I use logseq for my daily note-taking (and for my work!) and I have a template which I have honed over the years. It will continue to evolve, but here’s what it looks like right now.


Research in 2050

This week I’m at the Open Science Retreat in the Netherlands. It’s an “unconference” where folks discuss on the first day of the event what their shared interests/passions/frustrations are, form loose groups, and work together for the rest of the week. It tends to be the case that lots of “I’ve been wanting to work on X for ages, but I haven’t had the time/space/resources…“-type projects come up. Last year I started this blog and wrote a blog post about a collaborative knowlegde management system that I’d set up - both things that I thought were important/valuable, but that I hadn’t made the time to do during “normal life”.


Open-notebook science

Today I’m starting something that I’ve been daydreaming about for years. Feeling like I should be doing for years. Today I’m making my work notes public.


I attended the Digital Research Academy's Train the Trainer event

Thanks to the support of the e-ReproNim Fellowship I was able to attend the Digital Research Academy’s in-person “Train the Trainer” event in Munich at the start of September, and the e-ReproNim folks asked me to write up my experiences, so I figured I might as well share them here too. This was one of a pair of pilot events (one digital and one in person).


My Signal backup system

This is a “living” blog post. I will update it as my practice changes. Its history can be found here.


An open-source knowledge management system for the lab

This blog is adapted from an informal talk I gave at the Open Science Retreat. Thanks to those who joined and asked cool questions!


How to add a Jekyll blog to an existing github pages website

I wrote this blog at the Open Science Retreat. Thanks to the organizers for giving me the time and inspiration to finally get this done!